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Country:, North America, US

City: -96.8217 Texas, United States

  • Jim R - Hidden in plain sight

    The "new" car keys don't weather the surf too well. I would stash the key in a wet suit pocket and go surfing, but it's not good with e-keys. I feel pretty secure with the Key Vault guarding my keys.

  • Amazon Customer - Awesome content - if i could see it better

    The book is excellent - I was a bit concerned about the publisher/print, I have not bought a reference book in awhile, but the print is very light and pictures are harder to see.

  • candy - flea collar

    pet had a severe reaction to collar, lost hair around collar area and welts took two weeks to heal. had extra fees due to veterinary care.

  • Brent - Perfect fit

    I installed them in my 2016 Ram 1500 Laramie crew cab ecodesiel. Fit is perfect and they look great.

  • mikalle1 - Terrific program, running it on a iMac using Windows parallel

    we purchased this program to create architectural designs of a home that we have purchased since it is a foreclosure and needs a great deal of work. The program is relatively simple to understand and their online videos are outstanding! The various forums and support is also excellent. We are running a iMac using Windows parallel to run this program and have not had any problems. I do wish that they would create this program for Mac directly.

  • Kacie Malouf - Good value

    Performs well - seems to charge faster than a USB connection to a PC. Charger is useful for a variety of other devices I have that connect to a USB cable. Solidly built, and seemed inexpensive.