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  • Danessa Foo - Redraft your schedule and live the change, one calendar square at a time.

    A page turner. This book is filled with so much wisdom, truth and practical tips on how to replenish your depleted energy and charge oneself with God's strength. I have been using the author's advice: In order to stay spiritually centred, I must protect those quiet, peaceful, uninterrupted morning hours and surrender them to God.

  • A. Langley - You will never regret buying this.....

    The price of the Le Creuset French Oven is prohibitive - it always has been. Ten years ago, I exchanged five beautiful but unwanted wedding gifts for this French oven. I feared that it might not be worth it, but my fears were ungrounded. The quality, beauty, and versatility of this product is unsurpassed. You can easily braise a meat on the stove, and then bake it in the oven. You can simmer tomato-based sauces for hours, or slow-cook a stew to perfection. If you have a family and enjoy cooking, you will use this product over and over. After ten years of heavy use, my pot still looks new and I still derive great pleasure in using it. Expensive? Yes, but quality items usually are. You will be so glad you bought this.

  • Anthony - This liquid form chalk works just as well as normal ...

    This liquid form chalk works just as well as normal chalk, when power lifting or lifting weights in general, but much less messier. I've used this for heavy deadlifts and also applying the product to the back of my shirt when performing squats; the product performed perfectly for both scenarios. I've gone through many of this product over the past year and will definitely will make more future purchases of this product.