
Kinetoterapie Cluj - Tratamente de recuperare medicala prin kinetoterapie - Centru de diagnostic si tratament nechirurgical al afectiunilor osteo-articulare din Cluj-Napoca. Tratamente eficiente de recuperare medicala prin kinetoterapie, masaj medical si reflexoterapie.

  • Despre kinetoterapie - Toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie pentru a afla ce este kinetoterapia, cum se aplica ea in cazul diferitelor afectiuni si care sunt principiile care trebuie urmarite atunci cand se fac tratamente prin kinetoterapie.
  • Serviciile noastre de kinetoterapie - Va asteptam in salile de kinetoterapie din centrul medical Medreflex Line pentru tratamente de recuperare eficiente in diverse afectiuni. Sedintele au loc sub indrumarea unor kinetoterapeuti atestati, avand la indemana toate dotarile tehnice necesare.
  • Tarife si abonamente pentru sedintele de kinetoterapie - Abonamente la sedintele de recuperare medicala prin KINETOTERAPIE in cadrul centrului medical Medreflex Line din Cluj Napoca
  • Aparatura de kinetoterapie de care dispunem - Iata care sunt dotarile salilor noastre de kinetoterapie. Va punem la dispozitie toate echipamentele de kinetoterapie de care aveti nevoie pentru recuperarea in cel mai scurt timp posibil.
  • Ce este kinetoterapia si cum se desfasoara - Centru de kinetoterapie autorizat in Cluj Napoca. Oferim servicii profesionale de masaj si kinetoterapie - individuale sau in grup - pentru o gama larga de afectiuni locomotorii, ale coloanei vertebrale sau pentru diverse alte boli.
  • Contact si programari - Centru de diagnostic si tratament nechirurgical a afectiunilor osteoarticulare: hernie de disc, coxartroza, gonartroza in Cluj-Napoca. Efectuam tratamente prin kinetoterapie, masaj medical, reflexoterapie - eficiente si cu rezultate spectaculoase pentru pacientii nostri. Gasiti mai jos datele noastre de contact.
  • Galerii foto - Va prezentam cateva instantanee din activitatea de kinetoterapie care se desfasoara in centrul medical Medreflex Line din Cluj Napoca.
  • Stiri si noutati - Arhiva de stiri din domeniul kinetoterapiei, fizioterapiei si tratamentelor de medicna alternativa pentru afectiunile osteo-articulare.
  • Gimnastica medicala in Cluj Napoca - Gimnastica medicala in Cluj Napoca sub indrumarea unor terapeuti atestati in kinetoterapie si masaj medical, o sala de exercitii de gimnastica medicala dotata cu toate echipamentele de care aveti nevoie pentru o recuperare rapida

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • N. M. Widder - This was my savior!

    Unlike others, I'm glad I bought and used it BEFORE I read the reviews! I bought it at Walgreens and it cleaned my tub/shower so well that I no longer feel the need to have a new liner installed! Got rid of all the gunk and hard water stains that were - for the most part - 'baked' on. The glass shower door looks better than ever! And then I tried it on my stainless steel kitchen sink...and it worked great!

  • Annie1s - Hoover Warranty A Sham

    I purchased the Linx on August 1, 2011. The vacuum worked well for the purpose I purchased it, inbetween cleaning of steps and rugs. However on Sunday, September 18, 2011, I was using the vacuum and turned to dust a table. When I turned around the vacuum fell against the couch, a well padded couch I may add. The handle broke off. It has certainly been my experience in decades of cleaning that vacuums, particularly light weight uprights, may fall over at times. Vacuums should not break when they do.

  • Online Shopper 1st - Used regularly

    My husband really believes in this product. We have used it regularly since the last time we had our septic system cleaned. The man who cleaned the system recommended it. According to my husband who had been buying this product locally, Amazon's price was very good.

  • Jessica - Too faced?

    I guess I always just thought foundation primer was enough, but ever since I've used this eye primer (compared to a cheaper one I had recently used from a big well known SuperCenter) I have noticed that it keeps the chosen eye shadow color almost identical as it looked as before touching it, not to mention that ever since I've used it, I hardly ever see creases from the makeup on my lids, it just keeps everything intact, from the color's radiance, to it's position lol Seriously, truly worth the buy* ;)