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  • D. Smith - Could have been a really good movie

    Witty dialog saved this movie. The interesting thing is that half the movie attempts to debunk the idea of Gods, then gives super powers to an entire squad supporting Hercules. The action is so over the top to ALMOST be comical, but you have no thrill watching the cartoonish action. The Road Runner has more realistic action than this movie. The acting is not exceptional but isn't going to destroy your faith in humanity either. The special effects are top notch. This could have been an awesome movie if it was not so hypocritical. The dialog could have been inspiring if the movie was not done with comic book type action. Seriously, a guy throwing knives and taking out waves of enemy, a woman shooting multiple arrows hitting multiple targets and killing all instantly. Finally the last feat of Hercules goes against everything the movie tried to build, which completely destroyed the whole suspense of disbelief. Even the sword fights among mere mortals were poorly choreographed and cartoonish. Luckily I was not disappointed as I had low expectations to start with. The humor in the movie makes it worth watching however.

  • Ed B. - Very simple to use

    I cloned a 500GB 3.5" 7200 RPM drive with 52GB data on it in about 25 minutes, using a Sabrent SATA/USB 3.0 externally powered adapter.

  • Radu C - Love the cubes - I got bot V-Cube 2 and ...

    Love the cubes - I got bot V-Cube 2 and V-Cube 3 for my kids. Los of fun. They turn smooth and look beautiful. Great thing to keep you mind occupied.

  • Christian Hawk - Over all the cup is great BUT I have had the product for just a ...

    Over all the cup is great BUT I have had the product for just a month now and both lids have cracked. Disappointed.

  • fran - so far so good. I told my doctor I was taking it ...

    I've only been taking this product for a few weeks, so can't tell about long terms results. That said, so far so good. I told my doctor I was taking it and he agreed that it was a good product and would help me.

  • katherine - Made my own adjustments, and they work for me......

    I've ordered these before, but not from amazon. I personally like them. BUT I do not use them to lose weight. I'm fairly healthy (but I like food and sweets) and work out regularly. I don't use them every meal. Also I got cramps when I would take 2 (as directed) so I went down to 1. No more cramps. Make sure to drink lots of water. Pill does nothing if it doesn't break down. I only use these when I eat a big meal. So summer BBQ's, date night, girls night out. Sometimes just dinner with the family when I felt the need for 2 helpings, or when I would eat that extra large piece of pie. All they do is make you poop. Yes poop. So for the already "regular pooper," you may find yourself going more often. You take the pill an hr before a "big meal," then couple hrs after you eat, it passes back through. Preventing your body from storing the fat. Yes you may lose some weight, but I didn't. It does however keep me from gaining weight when I want to splurg on my eating.

  • Sara - This thing is awesome. It charges fast and really comes in handy

    This thing is awesome. It charges fast and really comes in handy, especially on vacation when you're out running around all day and taking lots of pictures and video! It's small enough to easily fit in a purse or pocket, too!