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    Country:, Europe, SE

    City: 18.056 , Sweden

  • Retman - Great shaver

    I bought this corded shaver in preference to buying an expensive set of replacement heads for my old shaver. The shave is close and comfortable. The price ($26) can't be beat. It doesn't have a sideburn trimmer but I can use my old shaver for this. Norelco: please keep making corded shavers! I have found that batteries in shavers eventually become useless so I much prefer corded ones.

  • Aaron - iPhone 7 Screen Protector (Tempered Glass) - Great

    This is a great screen protector for the iPhone 7. This screen protector is tempered glass and it is very easy to install. Inside the packaging, there are two screen protectors. The screen protectors has a 9H hardness and has an oleophobic coating (finger print resistant). Overall, this is a good screen protector for the iPhone 7.

  • Mark Dwayne Doria - 5/5 stars

    I am a person who loves to go on adventures, hiking, travelling, etc. and this Goal Zero Guide 10 Plus is definitely useful for me. It helps keep my electronics powered in places where charger outlets are non-existent like mountains or lakes. I got this for my birthday and now I can't wait to use it. Plus it's eco-friendly. This is a must for every person who loves to travel.

  • G. Dent - Connectivity issues {Fixed}

    Someone before mentioned issues with the computer remaining connected to wireless. I had the same connection issues, but they were fixed with a driver update (this is a VivoBook X540SA.)

  • Reader - So far, so good

    I was confused by the reviews here, which seem to be all over the map. In the end, I decided to take a chance and purchase SmartDraw 2012 Standard, which I purchased by phone from the manufacturer. Their website offered only a downloadable version, and I wanted a "hardcopy" on CD. The person I spoke with at SmartDraw was very helpful in answering questions, and said they can ship a packaged version for an additional $19.95, which I was fine with. No sooner did I hang up, than I found an email with a link for downloading SmartDraw immediately, which I wasn't expecting, but really appreciated being able to use the software right away, without having to wait for the CD. There was also a second email with links to a series of tutorials - I appreciated this too.

  • mellissa - Super hot scorch your sheets and beg for more sex ...

    Holy hotness Batman!! Get ready for your kindle to burn and your panties to melt. This book had it all. Drama...check. attitude....check. messed up friends and family...Double check. Super hot scorch your sheets and beg for more sex scenes...absolutely. it's not a long book but it's long enough to have a great story that hits all the points it needs to and isn't drawn out. Absolutely loved it and couldn't put it down. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book.

  • Chalisa M - The tea was not as great as everyone boasted

    The tea was not as great as everyone boasted. It tasted like water with a hint of tea flavor. I even measured out exactly the oz that is recommended and it was not great. I did not feel any jolts in energy, nor did I see any worthwhile results. The only thing I did get was a quick trip to that bathroom.