
Pharmacybook | drugs information, use, side effects and more - Pharmacybook provides comprehensive drugs information, including general drug use , use during pregnancy, dosage, known side effects and interactions.

  • Tabex - Dose | Side Effects | Use | Pharmacybook - Tabex contains an active substance called cytosine and it is used to treat nicotine dependence. It is very similar to nicotine, but it is much safer to use.
  • Baralgin - pain killer | use | overdose | effects | Pharmacybook - Baralgin tablets relieves pain and reduce fever. Baralgin pain killer is a drug from the group of analgesics. Headache is one of the side effects.
  • Analgin - dosage | side effects | overdose | Pharmacybook - Analgin (500 mg up to 1000 mg) drug is used in the treatment of severe pain in patients with cancer, treatment of severe stomach pain and pain after surgery
  • Albothyl - suppository | how to use | effects | Pharmacybook - Albothyl suppository contains an active ingredient called policresulen. Albothyl can be moistened with water, to make them easier to retract into the vagina
  • Movalis - Use | Dosage | Side Effects | Pharmacybook - Movalis (also known as Meloxicam) is medicine belongs to the group of non steroidal anti inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs). It has anti-inflammatory (relieves inf
  • ACC 200 tablets - use | side effects | overdose | Pharmacybook - ACC 200 tablets are used to treat respiratory disorders accompanied by increased mucus production. This effervescent tablets belongs to the mucolytic group.
  • Chymoral forte - use | dosage | side effects | Pharmacybook - Chymoral forte tablet is highly effective medicine in the treatment of swelling and can quickly reduce edema. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy
  • Chymoral drug - Dose | Warnings | Side Effects | Pharmacybook - Chymoral is the enzyme composition comprising a purified mixture of proteolytic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin. Chymoral has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative
  • Amyloidosis - Pathogenesis | Systemic amyloidosis | Pharmacybook - Amyloidosis is a disorder which is characterized by the extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrils called amyloids. It usually occurs in the systemic form
  • Diet plan | Women above the age of 50 | Pharmacybook - Women above the age of 50 are experiencing numerous metabolic and hormonal changes. Metabolism slows down as you age (especially in women).

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  • John Connor II - GODSEND!

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    Seems to work just like my AutoCad LT 2000. Like all upgrades, things are slightly different but has a logical look and feel. I like it.

  • Amazon Customer - Too many negative reviews ...

    I was going to try this product but after reading these reviews, I won't. I use Zep which, after reading the reviews, works just as well