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  • TracyLynneLaForest - Best danged vacuum for the money!!!

    This is going to sound gushy, and I will not apologize for it! The NV42, is a tiny slip of a vacuum, I mean it is little, barely 15 lbs., and sits on a powerhouse of a suction motor, one that should be on a much larger model. It is not terribly noisy, the cat could have cared less until I was nearly right underneath him. The accessories are basic, but since I am not doing ground breaking scientific research on all things lint and dust, I think that they do the job that they were intended for in an honest fashion and acquit themselves admirably. I seriously purchased this, because I am a cheap to the point of being vaporish at the thought of paying too much money for anything, and I have been very happily rewarded for researching the heck out of everything I purchase. If you are looking for a vacuum that will do the job of sucking up the crap you drop for the least amount of cash, get this vacuum! You have my word, you will not have any disappointment. Happy cleaning folks!

  • mntnbiker - Fixed my dishwasher

    I have a GE Triton dishwasher that was leaving an inch or two of water in the bottom after a wash cycle. After cleaning all of the gunk from the trap and pump, it was still doing this.

  • green mamba - Excellent glue and a great size for a lot of gluing!

    Wow, what a resource for a lot of gluing! This glue hasn't cracked (used on shoes) and seems to be very long-lasting! I haven't had to re-glue things I glued years ago.

  • Jalaunii O. - Different but still good.

    Not like the old sorry but very similar. With new rules and additions I expected to get a much more similar version to the original sorry but this version is great as well. Some more rules and a little time needed to fully grasp the game but it was fun and the power ups made a very interesting game for my family. Good game all in all. Each color comes with 3 tokens.

  • Amazon Customer - It works great with my phone.

    It works great with my I phone. I purchase these so I could watch the pets when I left the house. They were easy to connect and the sounds and picture quality is very good for the money.

  • K Francisco - thanks to some horrible, horrible neighbors in the next apartment

    We noticed bedbugs had moved into our kids' room last July, thanks to some horrible, horrible neighbors in the next apartment. Commercial pest control was quoted at $450 per room with no guarantee, so we opted to purchase commercial grade pesticides and apply them ourselves. This resulted in a cycle of a reappearance about every 2 - 3 weeks, going back and forth between our room and the kids' room. We replaced all of our mattresses and pillows, and bought bugproof covers for everything. We have thrown out hundreds of dollars worth of furniture, toys that could not be washed, even electronics, and spent hours upon hours of washing and rewashing just everything.

  • Andrea Shegrud - Don't Buy

    Way to many problems with this program. It is always shutting off and only occasionally burns movies. Way more of a headache than it is worth. Spend your hard earned movie on a more reliable program.