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  • Richard Fitts - Clint Ober has the proverbial better mousetrap with Earthing

    I am 66 and have been reading about and experimenting with all types of health building options since I turned 50. I realized my health and my life were never going to get any better unless I took action and changed my lifestyle. Clint's invention is truly unique and its simple and it really works. I have been sleeping "earthed" (grounded, in electrical terms) for a while and for an older guy who could not sleep well its been like magic. My friends (one 79 and one 40-something) are also very pleased with their sleep. The book is exceptionally well written and organized, so it is easy to read. Like many people who discover something new, Clint has an interesting personal story to tell, but then he and his associates stepped up and made the effort to do some high quality scientific research studies. I also really liked the other stories shared by a wide range of people, some of whom experienced almost miraculous changes in their health. If you are at all curious about this subject or, maybe suffering from some chronic condition, do read this book!

  • Pete L. - Doesn't really hold much. Opt for a bigger bag ...

    Doesn't really hold much. Opt for a bigger bag if you have more than a marker, tank, hopper and a few pods and belt.