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    Country:, Europe, DE

    City: 6.1833 North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

  • Videoscope - You get what you pay for! TERRIBLE quality; case is worthless; I couldn't even turn the direction knob!

    Let me start by saying, "You get what you pay for"! The case is worthless; I've never seen such a cheesy ratchet in my life (still my bad for buying); I couldn't even turn the knob to change the direction on it. Returned it the same day!!!

  • Thomas - Fantastic fast charger.

    This charger is amazing! Works like a charm. I can use it at night, and I don't need to check for the cable. just put the phone on the pad. That's so easy! Also, It charge very fast.

  • Nick C - Just buy Hot to Cold

    Great book displaying some of the earlier projects of the firm. This book is very diagrammatic and lacks a full understanding of some of the projects but after all that is the way BIG operates. Some low quality photos but overall a good resource. I bought this book in 2012 for $20 though and have no idea why it's going for north of $500 now.

  • Jen Bartschi - Scratched...

    One of the pots had a scratch in the non-stick coating. I bought these as they have been higher quality in the past. I was disappointed.

  • Albert T. - I love this book and the honesty it presents itself that ...

    I love this book and the honesty it presents itself that stomach acidity will decline as we age. But it does not mention anything about a poor parathyroid function will affect stomach acid production - something I'd like to read more about. It also gives a honest opinion that stomach takes time to heal itself.