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    Country:, North America, US

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  • S. Saeed - Great exprience

    Great exprience, very convenient and cost effective. I love it, will do it again. Better than buying the product from store

  • Paul H. - Good product for preventative maintenance

    I used STP and Lucas products in the past but recently switched to Sea Foam when my father-in-law told me that the motor pool in the university that he used to work at uses Seafoam in all 150 of their vehicles. He said it seemed to really help those vehicles and he uses it in his vehicle as well. I found it for $7.99 on Amazon and it was $11.99 at the local auto parts store (Advance).

  • Allan M. Boyd - All great musicians. Ringo is the greatest

    Some elderly rockers still rocking! All great musicians. Ringo is the greatest. Better than all the remaining 3 Beatles ever thought of being in their day, especially Preppy Sir Paul! Ringo has been practicing. Long ways from the little 5-piece drum set when I had the pleasure of seeing him live in 1964 at Tulane U. I earned $78 a month as an Airman 3rd Class in the USAF. Spent $5 for a concert ticket! Saved the stub all these years.

  • Dody Mitchell - Delicious!

    I originally didn't buy this for the taste. I bought it for first aid. Just kinda to have, "just in case". Well, the day I got it, I was feeling rather poorly. My stomach was so upset. I read the directions and put 1 tsp. in a glass of cool tea. Anyway, in about 15 minutes, I didn't feel as sick to my stomach. However, the truly amazing thing was the taste! If medicine would all taste this way, I know quite a few children that would be less inclined to fight taking it.

  • ofir z. - Great company great product

    A friend recommended me this product and I was skeptical in the beginning but after trying it consistently for 3 weeks I saw that it in fact DOES really work! It makes me not hungry and helps me stay on my diet. I take it with my coffee in the morning and I eat less through out the whole day. It gives me amazing energy and actually makes me more productive at work. I have taken other diet pills in the past and it always gave me a weird jittery feeling. These really make me feel great, giving me just the right amount of energy. 3 weeks in, I have already lost 8 lbs with no negative side effects. I feel healthy so far, I will continue and hopefully the results will keep coming.