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  • Amazon Customer - So far, so good

    So far I've been using this product for 3 weeks and have noticed my booty feels heavier and is becoming slightly fuller..can't wait too see results after 2 months!!!

  • Anne Mari - Awesome mat

    An excellent mat. I came from using a standard, lightweight Nike mat made of thermal plastic and polyester. This was a bit on the heavy and thick side and the fact that it doesn't come with its own strap or bag makes it a difficult to transport. However, it is totally worth the trouble because once you spread it out, you're good to go. The thickness makes for good cushioning and support. It's a pleasure to have especially when you're doing something intense like Bikram. Shavasanas really become something to look forward to.

  • anom - Best access guide out there

    This is by far the most helpful text I've ever read. I wish I would have found the missing manual series before spending a ton on books that didn't help!

  • Graphic Goddess - Not what I expected. Watered down, fragrance not quite as pronounced

    Paul Mitchell has always put out great hair care products. And usually I only ever get to enjoy them in salons and the occasional travel size offerings in nicer hotels and such. I love the Awapuhi shampoo for its rich texture, its fresh fragrance and the wonderful way it cleans my hair...so clean it squeaks. This item through Amazon feels like an imposter. Its runny, and the scent isn't fresh and invigorating. I will not purchase it again through this seller, but opt for some place local so I can be certain of what I'm getting. Disappointed.

  • OBXBeacher - The practical stuff you need.

    Gave the practical details and excellent description to let me know about the places I was visiting and chronicle the trip. I'll be buying only Lonely Planet guides in the future.