www.healthcarerevisited.com Review:

Healthcare Revisited - Views into Dr. Raymond Costantini's vision, goals and strategy for expanding the use and usefulness of web-based tools for healthcare. Dr. Costantini is

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  • Mary Anne Mushacke - One Star

    Had an issue with product and called samsung; product was defective and was returned to samsung for replacement

  • TDGrimm - Still unprofessional install/scan/fix process

    So far PC-MATIC is performing just as poorly as it has for the last decade or more. The install process is burdensome, the anti-virus may or may not have started, cannot configure until after a scan, pc-matic does not successfully reload after a scan and fix, afraid of what other bad things are coming. I still have no idea if the anti-virus part is even working yet. Three thumbs down.