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  • Dustin Pankonien - Much better than I suspected after the kitchen

    Product works fairly well, but don't think that your going to get away with just spray and wipe. Tried cleaning the area around the stove after three years of cooking with only the minor wipe downs. As you can imagine there were grease spots around, back wall, and ceiling directly above the stove. Used almost 3/4 the bottle with a lot of scrubbing for about an hour and got 95% of it off. Still have to hit it up again before leaving the house. Aside from that I used it on my motorcycle chain when i was changing my tire and it worked very well for that. Much better than I suspected after the kitchen. I'd say this works pretty well on grease stains that are still gooey.. However, if they have dried and have a couple layers there is no substitute for scrubbing.

  • John S - Very protective, very slim, very good

    This is a great case, for the pretty reasonable price of $30. I had bought the black one, so I can't make many opinions on looks since it's pretty basic, but it's a quality case. The buttons are all covered and allow for great flex and movement, not requiring any extra force to hit the iPhone button underneath. This is one of the top things I look for in a case and it delivers. Another point is it is very slim while having great protection. I have the 6 Plus and this case made it easier to hold while not adding a ton of extra case space. There is a front lip to protect the screen and it barely covers any of the front, and of course it makes the camera recessed, the weirdest design decision on Apple's part.

  • Mary K - Gross like drinking toothpaste

    It's hard to take it because it tastes so gross. I have purchased metagenics brand and it tastes like Licorice and was easy to drink. This tastes like drinking toothpaste I avoid taking it

  • Mike M. - Massive Crash and No Energy Boost at All.

    I read the reviews here and hoped for the rush of energy some reviewers had. Unfortunately I didn't feel a thing. In fact, my response to it was the opposite. When taking this at 2 pills in the morning and 1 in the afternoon I would crash hard. I mean I was barely able to concentrate on work I was so tired. Went to bed early every night as well. My wife was shocked.